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Belfast and Butler Sinks Buying Guide

Single And Double Bowl Ceramic Sinks


Belfast sinks are a true classic that have been around since the 17th century. Created from fine- fireclay, ceramic sinks are made using traditional manufacturing methods. The lustrous glossy glaze creates a non porous smooth surface which is easy to clean and extremely hard wearing.

Big, bold and beautiful epitomises the Belfast sink. Appliance House, offer a grand selection of ceramic Belfast sinks including brands such as Caple, Carron Phoenix, Reginox and Abode. Lasting a lifetime, creamy, luxurious Belfast sinks will look stunning in traditional and modern homes, alike

FAQ - Belfast And Butler Sinks.

Q1 - Should I Buy A Belfast or Butler Kitchen Sink? What's The Difference?

Single Bowl Belfast Sink

There is very little difference between a Bulter and Belfast sink. The significant difference between them is the fact the Belfast Sink includes a weir overflow which enables a larger water supply than it's cousin, the Butler sink. Belfast sinks are perfect for washing up large pots and pans that struggle to fit in the dishwasher. Single or double Belfast sinks are available.

Belfast sinks are named after the place where they were created. That's right, they were originally designed in Belfast! Their design was adapted from the Butler sink.

Butler sinks have been around for many years. They were used to wash dishes in the scullery. The sinks were designed with a shallow basin and no overflow. The exclusion of the overflow was designed to conserve as much water as possible, especially useful in London, where access to fresh water was very scarce. People also refer to the Butler sink as a London Sink.

Q2 - What are the pros and cons for using ceramic sinks?

Single Belfast Sink In Granite Finish

The Pros

  • Both Belfast and Butler sinks are extremely hard wearing and will not dent.
  • They are easy to clean thanks to the glazed, non porous surface.
  • The smooth, easy to clean surface means they will continue to look like new for many years.
  • The unique way in which they are made means they are resistant to high temperatures.
  • Most designs are available in white or ivory colour options but black and granite are also available.

The Cons

  • They're so hard wearing but this also means they are quite unforgiving too! If you accidentally drop a glass or piece of crockery into a ceramic sink, it will, most likely, smash. We would recommend placing a removable sink mat or wire rack in the bottom of the sink to prevent breakages.
  • Again, if you drop a hard object in the sink you could cause your ceramic sink to chip. It is not common and thankfully you can buy touch up sticks to treat minor damage.

Q3 - Which is best, a Single Or Double Belfast Sink?

Double Ceramic Belfast Sink

Prior to choosing a configuration option you need to think about how you plan to use your kitchen sink. If you own a dishwasher and only wash the odd item by hand then maybe a single bowl will suffice. For greater functionality opt for a one and a half bowl or double bowl so you have extra space for food preparation and cleaning as you go. A deeper bowl is a great option too, ideal if you’ll be washing large pots and pans on a regular basis.

Double Belfast sinks have two chambers. Traditionally, one chamber would be used to wash the dishes and the other would be used to rinse them before drying. Double Belfast sinks typically measure 2.5 feet across, 800mm, but sizes can vary by up to 3%. True double bowl Belfast sinks can include a central tap ledge so the taps can be mounted in the work surface; it's really down to personal preference. If you plan to do a lot of washing and don't own a dishwasher then a double Belfast sink is a great option.

A single bowl Belfast sink is the most popular of the two. As the name suggests, they provide one bowl, sizes can vary significantly. They will still provide ample washing space but their overall dimensions will be smaller compared to the double. If space is limited, a single bowl is a good option.

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